Lekhika Ranchi

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The Real Ghost Stories

Is my school is haunted

It was every man for himself. My girlfriend and I made it out of the graveyard first and quickly were followed by the others

We did not stop there however

We sprinted the 1 Kilometer we had left, never looking back, just screaming

As we came to the party we stopped and looked at each other

You could see the fear in every ones' eyes. The whole time at the party however I could not party, I just kept thinking what was that

Maybe the caretaker trying to kick us out, maybe a poor old lady who was visiting after hours..

Maybe a ghost. The next morning me and my girlfriend went to the grave again (the sun was already up) and examined the gravestones

The gravestone where I was hiding to scare my friends was a 15 year old boy, the one next to him was his older brother (17)

Although that was spooky enough, nothing made sense anymore

In that moment the caretaker came and we asked him whether it was him last night. His denial of being anywhere near the graveyard last night was spooky enough, but then he explained to us the two brothers

They were (sadly) WWII victims

A grenade had been thrown in their room, falling closer to the younger brother, ripping him to shreds

His older brother took a heavy shrapnel hit and died as well

They say that the body of the younger one could not be found anymore (under the rubble) and he was buried only with his skull and left leg, while his brother whole

After the war a monument was erected in their names, a kind of "look what war does" thing

So the legend says. Their headstones were what remained of the monument, the rest was destroyed after a lightning bolt struck a nearby tree and caused it to fall on the monument. Once the caretaker left I fell on my knees and gave for forgiveness

I don't know why, I am not spiritual (at least not strongly) nor was I even sure if I believed it all, but I just felt the need to apologize for running around their graves at night, very disrespectful of me I know. And the worse part came now, weeds had grown over the older brothers headstone and I just felt the need to cut them

My girlfriend held back the weeds while I chopped them off

What was revealed under the jungle was a picture, of the exact same boy we saw the night before, standing in front of us

Or at least that was him from what we could tell. Startled we jumped back yet again, but then smiled

My girlfriend said "big brother wanted to protect little brother, just like you always protect me" To be honest, I could not believe any of this, its almost like a nightmare, but I smiled looking at the picture

All of a sudden a strong wind blew, as trying to signal us something

We sat there for another 5 minutes before we got up and went home. Pranks in a graveyard, day or night, NEVER AGAIN! That was one freaking scary night for us

And the fact that it happened to me was even more scary, back then I was the last person who believed in something like that. 


Anjali korde

10-Aug-2023 10:53 AM

Nice part
